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Our Purpose & Vision



To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Holy Bible, to bring the unsaved to Jesus Christ, to build up and disciple the saved in Christian grace and living, to have a vital part in the missions here and abroad, and to strive toward unity will all races for the sake of peace in the Body of Christ.

We are united in one accord for the following purposes:

  • To praise and worship God.
  • To proclaim the full Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To proclaim the Holy Spirit to all.
  • To present salvation unto the lost.
  • To edify and unify the Body of Christ


The vision is encompassed in, but not limited to the following:

  • As a church composed of a body of believers, to be a soul-saving station and outreach center to the world.
  • As individual believers, to be faithful to the soul winning vision.
  • To have a body ministry fellowship, allowing and encouraging believers to flow in the anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to grow and develop the call of God on their lives.
  • To feed and clothe the truly poor by having a soup kitchen, food pantry, clothes closet, and whatever other means the Lord may tell the senior pastor to fulfill this vision, including providing a home for the homeless and runaways.
  • To raise up preachers with a similar vision to reach the lost and poor.  To send them out with the guidance and help of this church to start other churches both here and abroad.
  • To implement a Bible training program with the future goal of developing a full time, live-in Bible school, designed to operate under the full anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to train men and women to function in the five-fold ministry of Ephesians 4 and 1st Corinthians 12.  Our conviction is that in exalting the Scriptures, we are exalting Jesus Christ who is the Living Word.  The Bible training program and bible school will also provide teaching and development to those who would be led of the Holy Spirit to build Holy Spirit anointed churches with a vision to save those who are lost and without Christ.
  • Through loving all people as Christ so loved the world and gave Himself for them; we purposefully strive show Christs' love to all people in the hope of reconciling them back to their loving creator.
  • To provide a place of rest for missionaries and their families.